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Performance Weekend

The Hamburg-based collective House of Brownies presents QUEERDOM, its first independent, full-length work as a complex but inclusive experimental arrangement. With QUEERDOM, the collective creates its own space, turning the binary of backstage and stage upside down. It's a formal experiment in which orders are dissolved. Themes like "entstehen" / "becoming" are not hidden but highlighted as stylistic elements. This leads to new forms of being together, and questions of authenticity and identity are freshly formulated. In the subsequent gala, all performers do what they do best: showcase their art. However, the collective disrupts many other binary orders: gender, race, class, and various dance styles.

28 - 30.09.2023 - KAMPNAGEL, Hamburg

26.11.2023 - HAU2, Berlin


Cast: Black Pearl de Almeida, Lucia, Tash Africa, The Schmidt

Stage & Light Design: David Sinkemat

Costumes: Dietrich und Kock, Hawi Akrewi

SAFE*r SPACES, A Chosen Family

Pop-Up Vernissage

A collaborative Exhibition with live performances.

21.05.2023 - Eeden e.V., Hamburg



Carlton Morgan, Maruscha, Naomi Brito, Nick can Wachs, David Rodríguez, Maria José, Preach Please, Saeleen Bouvar, Tash Africa, Alexander Schreiter



Performers: Black Pearl, Mandhla and The Schmidt.

This performance is about transbodies. What obstacles they face and how they have to prove themselves every day. For many people the topic of trans identity is foreign, BEcunting questions the gender binary culture and shows the faces of diverse feelings of trans life. The multimedia performance is a rendition of life full of empathy, suffering and celebration, underlined by film, song and different dance styles.


BEcunting as part of tanz_netzwerk_bremen PROFESSIONAL is funded by the Senator for Culture of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen and DIEHL+RITTER/TANZPAKT RECONNECT, supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR initiative. Support Programme Dance.

3.31.23 Queer Bcademey, Hamburg

17-28.9.22 MULTITUDE Festival, Hannover

2.7.22 Hauptsache Frei #8, Hamburg



Black Pearl, Mandhla and The Schmidt



House of Brownies introduces “INTUITION”, an art gallery by David Rodríguez. This concept has been born out of the non-binary artist´s depressive state of mind. David invites us to see trauma, to see what they have gone through as an artist who has been forced to fit into a spectrum which they did not identify with, “INTUITION” comes out of the idea of being an immigrant and out of the idea of expressing what cannot be put into words. 

05.02.23 - Eeden e.V., Hamburg



David Rodríguez, Mimi (@mimi_dmsse), Cyndi G. Hounouvi, Jada Silva 

Click Here For More Info


Performance Night

Noche de Mariposes, a performance evening brought to you by The House of Brownies presented by Hamburg-México e.V.. A night to showcase uniqueness and expression in different types of art with delicate and strong dancing.

15.10.22 - Hamburg Haus Eimsbüttel



David Rodríguez, Ricardo Urbina, Emir García, Gabriel Barbosa, Ana Karina Castro, Renato De Leon, Noah Junge, Bria


Performance Night

This piece was a collaboration with Mona Farivar, as both a performer me music creator. It is a multimedial performance representing the rebirth of ourselves to our fullest potential. Creating our utopia futures of who we can and what to become.

30.10.22 – 2.11.22 - Kampnagel Hamburg



Tash Africa, Mona Farivar, The Schmidt

Click Here For More Info


Dance Performance

Opening Perfomance for Hamburg Pride.

30.07.2022 - KampnagelHamburg



Tash Africa, The Schmidt, Naomi Brito, Marcelino Libao



The Queerdom Vernissage is an event that celebrates and showcases the beauty of the LGBTQ+ community. It is a photoshoot of the community, by the community, for the community, and aims to promote visibility and representation of its members. At the vernissage, guests will be able to view the photos, engage in conversations, and enjoy live performances. The event is a safe*r and welcoming space for everyone, and is a celebration of the LGBTQ+ community, its diversity, and its strength. 

17.12.2021 - Aventures de Paulette, Hamburg



Alain-Paul Nziza, Alessandro Frola, Anh-Koa Tran, Chanel, Danny Alhairi, Imposterchild, Marc-André Klaas, Marg, Porciuncula, Mona El Omari, Noah Dinamarca-Junge, Nick Can Wachs, Tash Africa


Performance Night

Our shared vision as grassroots collectives is to create a platform for artists, activists, cultural practitioners, and academics to come together and showcase their work. Rice Queers Performance Night celebrates the power of storytelling and collaborative art practices. The exchange between Hamburg and Berlin-based artists and curators transcend borders and address the various forms of exclusion and marginalization from a first-person perspective and diversifies Hamburg's artistic landscape. 

17.12.2021 - Aventures de Paulette, Hamburg



The Schmidt, Marcelino Libao, Velvet Choli, Anh-Khoa Trân, Baku, Marcos Vinicuius, Limo, Türkish Delight, Dornika, Promona Sengupta, Prince Emrah, Ragil Huda

Click Here For More Info


Festival Performance

Seit 2006 hat NORDWIND über 1500 Künstlerinnen und Künstler in Performances, Ausstellungen, Filmen, Diskursen und Konzerten präsentiert und hat Partner in Berlin, Hamburg, Dresden sowie in Frankreich, Großbritannien, den USA und anderen.

NORDWIND wurde als Schaufenster für nordische Kunst gegründet und hat sich im Laufe der Jahre zu einer Plattform und einem Kooperationspartner für diverse Institutionen entwickelt. Es verändert sein Profil und hinterfragt seinen eigenen Zweck als Festival, indem es sich von der Präsentation einzelner künstlerischer Veranstaltungen wegbewegt und zu einem Raum und Plattform wird, die einen nachhaltigen Austausch zwischen KünstleInnen, Publikum und kulturellen Institutionen fördert und sucht. Daher wird sich NORDWIND von der ausschliesslichen Zeitlichkeit eines Festivals lösen und sein langfristiges Programm mit verschiedenen internationalen Partnern neu entwickeln. Zudem wird biennal das NORDWIND Festival weiterhin stattfinden. Mit dem Ziel, die erwähnte nachhaltige Wirkung zu erzielen, wird NORDWIND eine transdisziplinäre Plattform für Künstler, Wissenschaftler und innovative Denker*innen sein .

01.12.2021 - Kampnagel, Hamburg



David Rodríguez, Ricardo Urbina, The Schmidt, Duduzile Mathonsi

Click Here For More Info


Performance Night

A Collaborative work with FAYIM for “Embassy Of Hope”

07.09.2021 - Thalia Theater Gaußstrasse, Hamburg



David Rodriquez, Ricardo Urbina, The Schmidt, Fayim



Performance by the Brownies at Queerpool.

 01.08.2021 - Queerpool, Hamburg



Marcelino Libao, Naomi Brito, The Schmidt



The four dancers of the HOUSE OF BROWNIES dance around the Kampnagel building via the K-to-go App, as they reenact everyday scenarios, flipping through their repertoire of dance styles.

29.04.21 - 02.05.2021 - Queer B Academy, Hamburg



Marcelino Liba, David Rodríguez, The Schmidt, Ricardo Urbina



Christmas time, official holidays, traditions and festivities. Days that you spend with your family.  But what do you do when you can't see your family? Do you still celebrate? How does it feel to be surrounded by others who celebrate "en famille" and you are alone?

This Christmas, many people will not be able to celebrate with their family. 

Through our "HOLIDAY SPECIAL" we want to stand by people and strengthen the community. By sharing similar experiences or our own customs/rituals, we want to share the feelings of love and togetherness this Christmas. Together we may discover new rituals or forms of belonging. 

We would be happy about a successful cooperation and also introduce ourselves personally to discuss a possible cooperation face-to-face.

23.12.2020 - Lukulule




Tash Africa, Marcelino Libao, The Schmidt, Ricardo Urbina, David Rodríguez, Oxa, Joy, Oneuhbee, Yamilé, Precious



Open Air Pride Festival organized by Elle (@ellellle)

04.07.2020 - Leipzig



The Schmidt, Marcelino Libao, Ricardo Urbina

©2023 by houseofbrownies. 

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